Summer Speed Painting Challenge #06- The Shanties of Calisto
I've imagined this as a moon bear strolling across the shanty areas of the moon. Not sure if I got the topic right though as I've originally thought of it as a bear singing a sea shanty until I've researched a little more on the topic...
Quite a challenging theme this time round but got me head thinking! I've started out with the last image below the other day, but thought about improving this a little more as it appeared abit in the opposite opposing to the challenge. Hopefully with the first image, there more meaning to it- with dark surroundings meaning old and new in the center. :D
During the last two weeks, I had the opportunity to work with a live visuals company for a private UK event. My task involved creating a castle like texture to the building with some speed painted fire torches along with a dragon's shadow passing across the building. This mainly involved using Maya and After Effects for editing and animating. Overall, the experience has been really fun and nice to be part of a project which my work could be used for an occasion and seeing the way the animations and the dragon shadows had worked out wonderfully on the building itself. Below are some of the test footage that I've made along with the footage used for the live event.
Yes its back!! :D Speed painting challenge here I go! I've meant to post the first one- sorry its late!! I've experimented out with a different style as well as going back to an old one just for fun. So here it is Challenge #01's "Flaming June" and Challenge #02's "Summer Breeze".