Today, we've been told to bring in an interesting object that have no character in them so that we can make out our own. To start things off, we've been given a location and have to come up as many objects and give them character using what that object has and not just adding a set of eyes or mouth. For me I had "Garden" so I've drawn up a list of things which could be found in the garden and began to give them character.

After drawing up these ideas, we've to choose a hero, sidekick and a villain from the lot. I've chosen a spade due to the shape and could take advantage of the wooden stick. As for the enemy, I've chosen a toolbox which can unleash his trowel and saw henchmen. For the sidekick, I've picked out a watering can only this one would be a "Damsel in distress" type with its flowery pattern and feminine postures. These would have to be developed later. I've imagined what these would look if they were in an animation, so below I've pictured how the evil toolbox would look laughing and in its dominant pose, the watering can in its sad and happy state. The spade in a heroic pose and how it looks smart (with a metal "shirt" added) and also how the spade would look if it drove in a "Wagon-mobile" going at high speeds.

Next, using our objects, we've to create a character and give it personality in them. I had brought in a purple a little brush with flips inside out. Using the idea of it being able to open and close, I gave it a dog like personality using the hinge acting as a little tail. We;ve also had to think of a villain to contrast it. I thogut of a little blusher with a brush which acts as its ally.